Practitioners Interview Series

Practitioners Interview Series | Gintare Norkunaite

Gintare Norkunaite is an urban designer at PosadMaxwan. Her background in both architecture and urban planning enables her to work across various scales. Her projects range from public space designs to city visions, with a particular focus on complex projects where the program and spatial claims of transitions need fit within limited space. It is in these situations that integrated design can have a significant positive impact. Gintare possesses specific expertise on the topics of circular public spaces, station areas, and biodiversity. Her portfolio includes recent projects such as design research ‘Handbook on designing with/for vital soil in urban areas’ in Rotterdam, ‘Circular impulse to public space in post-war neighborhoods’ in Leiden and the Spoorkwartier masterplan in Groningen.   

Interview with Gintare Norkunaite


Kim Sinnige
Kim Sinnige

Ir. Kim Sinnige has been working for the Circular Impulse Initiative within the CBE Hub since 2022. She graduated cum laude from the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft in 2023. Her master thesis explored the embedding of circular values into a Waste-to-Energy plant through storytelling, Material Flow Analysis and design. She completed her bachelor with honors at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Eindhoven in 2018. Between her degrees, she has worked in architecture offices in Utrecht and Arctic Norway.

Circularity for Educators

The platform is intended to provide with content on either circularity or pedagogy for and about circularity. It is one of the outcomes of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment education. The platform mainly aims to help tutors get better acquainted with circularity in the built environment by providing a series of resources on this subject that they can either view to get better informed or directly share with their students in class or online. A large number of the Faculty's professors and researchers have contributed substantially both in creating a coherent narrative for circularity in the built environment as well as further elaborating on different aspects of it. Besides this one, a new platform for interaction and direct exchange was also established in parallel that we call ‘Educators for Circularity‘. This one offers the opportunity for all of us to meet and share our experiences and learn from one another.

Visit Educators for Circularity