Basic Materials Definitions

Material Pyramid

This is a video loan from our ProfEd on Circular Building Products for a Sustainable Built Environment. Tillmann and Olga meet with Anne Beim head of CINARK, the center for Industrialized Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Anne talks about the Material Pyramid, a digital tool that classifies materials according to their CO2 impact in construction and another four impact parameters. After you have watched the video, please visit the Material Pyramid page and check out how it works. By using the left side menu you can select between the different parameters considered: notice that every time, the hierarchy of the materials on the pyramid changes. By double clicking on each material you are redirected to another page that illustrates each material separately along with its full list of characteristics derived from the EPD system.

What the Material Pyramid offers is an overview of the environmental performance of 60 materials currently used in construction extensively. Although the information on the platform cannot fully support the making of circular design decisions, it can be instrumental in choosing the right materials.

This video is a loan from the ProfEd entitled: Circular Building Products for a Sustainable Built Environment. Do you want to know more about this course? Click here!

Circularity for Educators

The platform is intended to provide with content on either circularity or pedagogy for and about circularity. It is one of the outcomes of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment education. The platform mainly aims to help tutors get better acquainted with circularity in the built environment by providing a series of resources on this subject that they can either view to get better informed or directly share with their students in class or online. A large number of the Faculty's professors and researchers have contributed substantially both in creating a coherent narrative for circularity in the built environment as well as further elaborating on different aspects of it. Besides this one, a new platform for interaction and direct exchange was also established in parallel that we call ‘Educators for Circularity‘. This one offers the opportunity for all of us to meet and share our experiences and learn from one another.

Visit Educators for Circularity